Expressive Arts
The key principles of this AoLE and guidance can be found here
We have the ambition to make the Curriculum for Wales and the Expressive Arts relevant to all of our learners. This page explains how we do that at Ysgol y Gogarth.
Learners at Ysgol Y Gogarth learn at their own pace. We are aware that the 5 disciplines should be approached with sensitivity, ensuring learners have the time to respond and make choices in order to actively engage and be creative.
Long and short-term planning will reflect the Big Questions and the principles of progression in all disciplines, ensuring breadth and depth of knowledge, and accessibility and inclusivity across the 5 disciplines for all learners.
Progress, assessment and moderation:
Teachers will monitor progress via Earwig against the Progression Steps. Learning walks will give the opportunity to see in practice, what the Expressive Arts looks like around the school. As part of an expressive arts working party, the form of potential moderation will be discussed, following an exploration of progression steps.
Monitoring and evaluation:
AoLE lead will evaluate termly against the existing development plan and regularly against evidence from Earwig – assessing breadth and depth across the 5 disciplines.
How Expressive Arts can help learners make connections between Areas of Learning, Cross-Curricular Skills, Integral Skills and the
Cross-Cutting Themes:
The skills developed through the Expressive arts will be used to access and enrich other subjects and support the development of communication. It can offer a creative outlet to express emotion, individuality, culture and experience.
We will link the Expressive Arts curriculum to the real world of the learners and their communities, reflecting Wales both in the past and as a modern multi-cultural society.
Key Resources:
Creative practitioners, local theatres, school-based resources – instruments, art materials, digital resources/apps. We will explore cost of resources that promote the inclusion of PMD/Complex needs.
Oriel Gogarth will be available to share good practice, where learners can have the opportunity to respond to work.
Easily accessible resources around the school, such as the Scrawl Wall and the instruments in the sensory garden may support continuous provision.
Supporting teachers in the Expressive Arts:
Staff will be offered training opportunities from local creative practitioners and links training opportunities through GWE. They will also be coached through expertise within the school.
A breakdown of What Matters Statement, ideas to link the AoLE to other areas of the curriculum and links to resources are available to teachers, as well as a digital platform to share good practice.
Other Considerations for the Expressive Arts
Under the guidance of the health and safety policy, staff will ensure that health and safety guidelines are followed. The use of equipment and materials will be dependent on the understanding of learners involved in the activity and the level of supervision. Learning outside the classroom, including trips outside the school will follow this guidance and adhere to the EVOLVE process where appropriate.
At Ysgol Y Gogarth, learners can enjoy opportunities to explore, respond, and create through sensory activities.
Learners can express themselves through drama and dance and use technology to record their performances.
Music provides multi-sensory stimulation, and a lot of fun!
Updated January - Mrs Watkinson AOLE Lead