Profound and Multiple Learning Difficulties (PMLD)
The key principles and guidance for learners with PMLD, to include the Routes for learning documents can be found here.
Our aims:
That in Ysgol Y Gogarth learners with PMLD are provided with a curriculum that is ……
1. Learner centred.
2. Full of varying engaging experiences which offer challenges whilst promoting their independence where possible. Experiences which touch on all areas of the CfW.
3. Providing a holistic approach.
4. Providing an effective environment which is communication rich and inspiring.
Relevant Pedagogy for Learners with PMLD:
Holistic approach to learning is really important for learners working at the very early stages of development. Learner’s physical, medical and emotional needs need to be met before they can actively learn. The learner and their preferences should be placed at the centre of any approach followed.
Responsive relationships between learner and enabling adult. Adults need to get to know the learners well before they are able to interpret their communication. It is important for all adults working with our learners to respect that they are effective communicators in their own unique individual ways.
Engaging experiences which are age appropriate and offer challenge, whilst promoting their independence to make sure pupils achieve those WOW moments.
Effective Environments which needs to meet the physical needs of the pupils. Effective environments should be communication rich and inspiring as well as offer space for learners who may need a quieter calmer space to reflect
Observation is how practitioners are going to get to know the learners, how they learn, what developmental needs they have and what they like and dislike. Effective observation enables practitioners to respond in ways that will support learners to make progress.
To provide a Holistic approach it is important that staff working with learners with PMLD work closely along other professionals from external agencies. Such as; Paediatric Nursing team, Paediatricians, Physiotherapists, Occupational Therapists, Speech and Language therapists, Social Workers, Team at TY Gobaith and CALDs team. It is important for staff working with learners with PMLD build up a strong relationship with the learners Parents or carers. Their input and support is vital to maintain a Learner centred approach. The best practice where possible is for collaboration to happen during Multi Discipline Team meetings (MDTs)
Key Resources and Experiences offered.
There are some unique experiences offered to our learners with PMLD in Ysgol Y Gogarth. These include Hydrotherapy, Adapted Bikes, Rebound Therapy and Music Therapy. There is also where appropriate opportunities for the learners to embark on our MOVE programme in Collaboration with our Move practitioners within school.
Planning: All learners in Ysgol Y Gogarth have been thought about in our Long term planning. Here is where teachers can find AOLE’s and the What matter’s statements. The ROUTE’s from the Route map (see above link), have been included in the Long term plan. Copies are found on the server. Teacher’s are to generate medium term plans and share on the server. All planning for learners with PMLD should reflect the above 4 aims.
Assessment, monitoring and recording of WOW moments.
Earwig is used as a tool to record and monitor learners progress across the school. Staff can add evidence against pupils individual targets, CfW AOLE’s, Routes from the RFL map and WOW moments. Sometimes the smallest of steps and successes can have the biggest impacts for learners with PMLD, these are to be celebrated. Middle and senior leaders can monitor Earwig track leaners journey’s.
All learners with PMLD are offered varied age appropriate experiences and are felt included within the wider school. It is particularly important for our older learners with PMLD to be offered age appropriate experiences alongside other peer’s within the school. See PMLD development plan for Actions relating to Inclusion.
Supporting Teacher and Staff with PMLD learners
Staff working with pupils with PMLD have been signposted to the online training provided by HWB to gain a greater understanding of the routes for learning route map. Teacher’s attend planning meetings with other teachers of PMLD. Some PMLD teachers will be attending the GwE region PMLD network meetings in the spring. There will be future opportunities for collaboration among teacher’s ( see development plan for more information). There is a tight support network within school for staff and teachers who may be struggling with the emotional toll that working with learners with PMLD may bring. There is always the option open to all staff to access formal counselling from the Conwy council.
Updated January 2024- Mrs Gwynne AOLE Lead