Today, our school community is honouring Remembrance Day with a touching display of handmade poppies crafted from recycled plastic bottles. Pupils from all classes contributed to the project, creating a striking visual tribute to remember those who served.
Heddiw, mae ein cymuned hysgol yn anrhydeddu Dydd y Cofio gydag arddangosfa deimladwy o babïau wedi'u gwneud o poteli plastig wedi'u hailgylchu. Cyfrannodd disgyblion o bob dosbarth i’r prosiect, gan greu teyrnged weledol drawiadol i gofio’r rhai a wasanaethodd.
At 11:00 a.m., students and staff will join together for a one-minute silence. All are encouraged to view the display during their daily mile, allowing a moment of reflection and remembrance.
Am 11:00 y.b, bydd myfyrwyr a staff yn ymuno am funud o dawelwch. Anogir pawb i weld yr arddangosfa yn ystod eu milltir dyddiol, gan ganiatáu eiliad o fyfyrio a chofio.
A special thank you to Dosbarth Cadair Idris for planting the poppies, Dosbarth Moelwyn for securing them to stakes, and to Miss Hannah for organising.
Diolch arbennig i Dosbarth Cadair Idris am blannu'r pabi, Dosbarth Moelwyn am eu gosod ar y polion, ac i Miss Hannah am drefnu.
Thank you to everyone who contributed to this meaningful tribute.
Diolch i bawb a gyfrannodd at y deyrnged ystyrlon hon.