TAPE Community Music & Film

We have been working in partnership with TAPE Community Music & Film Creative Inclusion since 2008 to deliver exciting and innovative digital learning opportunities, using their expertise to extend beyond what we can offer in the classroom.
This is an option choice for the older learners who have shown an interest in this area and the work has a strong vocational focus. The projects include commission work, producing animations and films for the Welsh Government as well as BFI Film Academy and Arts Award accredited courses. TAPE also run a number of inclusive community after school clubs based at Ty Morgan at Ysgol y Gogarth.

Gogarth Film Festival
Our students have organised a Film festival, showcasing the next three episodes of "The Right Door project", the classic movie ET, and Mr Morgan's all-time favourite film Top Gun. We are very proud to have such enthusiastic and talented pupils who are so passionate about the art of cinema. We hope that this festival will inspire more students to explore their passion for film and continue to organise such events in the future.

The Premier
The animated web series aimed at supporting young people with their mental health was premiered to a packed hall, with the Children's Commissioner of Wales among the attendees. This project was commissioned by the Welsh government to help people with mental health issues. The videos attempt to tackle common issues facing students with additional learning needs, including substance misuse, eating healthily, and planning for life after school. The students have curated new skills in production and editing, and they hope to do more projects like in the future.

The Right Door
"The Right Door" is an animated web-series that focuses on the topic of mental health. Created by the talented students of Ysgol Y Gogarth, each episode delves into a specific issue and provides valuable insights on how and where to seek support.
For further details, please visit TAPE Community Music and Film
Berthes Rd, Old Colwyn, LL29 9SD I 01492) 512 109 I hello@tapemusicandfilm.co.uk